We provide services to clients from more than 20 different sectors for over two decades
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Volkswagen and EyeFlow: Innovation in Trucks for Smart Mobility and Traffic Safety

healthcareinnovationInternet of Things
Salvus: Breathing new life into healthcare: Tech innovation to revolutionize oxygen management

Motosafe: CESAR and Motorola help improve cellphone’s security

Brazil’s Energy Giant Petrobras Taps CESAR’s HPC Coding Prowess to Cut the Time and Cost for Reservoir Simulations

artificial intelligencedata sciencemachine learning
CESAR’s A.I. and data science expertise boosts personalization for millions of Magalu’s shoppers

energyresearch and development
Equatorial Energia: Intelligent System to Predict Failures

accessibilityaiartificial intelligenceindustry
Boticário Group: Artificial Intelligence for Inclusive Beauty

artificial intelligenceelectronics
CESAR and Lenovo’s R&D collaboration aims to improve accessibility for the hearing impaired

aiautomotive industry
CESAR collaborates with Wings to develop a new personal A.I. assistant for connected cars
Our services address all innovation cycle phases
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